The "New Normal"

You have been hearing several new terms in recent months, frankly, like it or not, we must accept them. Some of the terms include, “essential services”, “asymptomatic”, “social distancing”, “flattening the curve”, and the “new normal”.

What does the “new normal” mean for doing business with us? 

  1. Jennifer and I are working normal business hours along with our associate advisors. Each of us has a fully integrated home office to be able to handle any day-to-day business. There are no changes. You can reach us the same way you always have. 

  2. If companies were not already accepting non-original paperwork – they are now. From life insurance applications to financial transactions (including withdrawing or depositing money) to adjusting or setting up investment accounts; it can be done electronically.

  3. While we cannot conduct in person meetings – we can do on-line face-to-face meetings in several ways. Zoom, Skype, or Face Time. For those of you who have not experienced one of these meetings it is as simple as clicking on an email link on your cell phone or computer. You will see I am still showering, but not shaving! 😊

  4. I anticipate we can conduct in-person meetings when the state of emergency is lifted. Our office building has a full-time cleaner who is disinfecting common and individual offices daily. We can conduct the meetings in our large boardroom to best adhere to social distancing guidelines. Also we will schedule meetings with enough time to wipe down all common surfaces before the next meeting. 

In conclusion, the “new normal” is not that “new” for our business with you. You do not need to hesitate on scheduling a time to meet online, book a phone call, or exchange emails. Your financial well-being continues to be our top priority. We’ll see you through this.


As someone who enjoys analysis and time with family – this pause has provided a great opportunity for each. 


When the stock markets are only going up, it is more difficult to tell how the portfolio managers are adding value. The volatility provides an opportunity to re-assess our investment selections. We can validate whether they actually did hold up better than the markets. I have enjoyed reviewing the numbers (not the losses!) and listening to the numerous commentaries that have been available. I don’t know what the next few quarters will entail, but I remain confident in the coordinated efforts that we'll get through this. I remain personally invested and continue my monthly contributions to stock markets.  

Time with Family

Between family games, walks, and crafts we are spending more quality time together. That’s not to say there have not been moments of tension; for instance when trying to implement the new on-line school curriculum our youngest child of three, said; “DAD, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A KID!" 😊 I hope you are finding some positives from this unusual time and you continue to stay healthy. A completely predictable future is already the past, so try and stay present, without wasting too much energy on wishing it was over.   

Take care!

Matthew Bishop,
Investment Funds Advisor

The information in this newsletter is of a general nature and is provided with the understanding that it may not be relied upon as, nor considered to be, the rendering of tax, legal, accounting, or professional advice. Readers should consult their own subject matter experts for advice on the specific circumstances before taking any action. Although every effort has been made to compile this material from reliable sources, no warranty can be made as to its accuracy or completeness. The opinions expressed are those of the owners and writers only. It may contain forward looking predictions/statements that are subject to certain risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those currently anticipated or projected. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus and/or fund fact sheet before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Mutual funds and some segregated funds provided by the fund companies are offered through Worldsource Financial Management Inc., sponsoring mutual fund dealer. Other Products and Services are offered through H&M Bishop Wealth Management.

The Days are Long the Years are Short


A Rock in a Puddle